Financial advisor/author Haleh Moddasser, CPA, identifies the financial pitfalls for women experiencing a gray divorce
RALEIGH, N.C., September 6, 2018 (Newswire.com) - Divorce is complicated. But divorce after the age of 50 can be financially devastating. A new book by Haleh Moddasser, CPA, titled Gray Divorce, Silver Linings: A Woman’s Guide to Divorce After 50, couples Moddasser’s professional experience working with women navigating the choppy waters of divorce with her own personal divorce experience.
“There is a rising divorce pandemic occurring with women in this age group and I know first-hand the long-term negative impact that can result from it,” said Moddasser, senior vice president and partner at Stearns Financial Group, a fee-only financial planning and investment management firm. “Women experiencing a divorce need to see past their current situation and think about their long-term financial well-being, checking feelings of fear, anger and guilt at the door. Hopefully, this book can provide women with clarity during a time when most are struggling to understand the financial implications of the many decisions that must be made.”
There is a rising divorce pandemic occurring with women in this age group and I know first-hand the long-term negative impact that can result from it. Women experiencing a divorce need to see past their current situation and think about their long-term financial well-being, checking feelings of fear, anger and guilt at the door. Hopefully, this book can provide women with clarity during a time when most are struggling to understand the financial implications of the many decisions that must be made.
Haleh Modasser, CPA, Senior Vice President and Partner, Stearns Financial Group
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act complicates financial matters for pending gray divorcers looking to finalize their settlements by the end of the year. The 2017 legislation eliminates the tax deduction for alimony payments after Dec. 31, 2018. The new regulations further state that recipients of alimony payments will no longer have to include the payments as taxable income.
“Taxes are just one item on a long list of complicated matters that women need to think through when starting fresh and I can attest that taxes are never at the top of that list,” Moddasser continues. “I hear many attorneys saying that it makes no difference to the recipient whether they settle before or after the new tax law takes effect since the payer will simply reduce the payment by the amount of the lost deduction for agreements made in 2019 and beyond. This is a perfect example of why it’s critical for women to assemble the right team and have a plethora of resources to draw wisdom from.”
Gray Divorce, Silver Linings serves as a field guide for women wishing to avoid the many pitfalls of gray divorce and secure their financial futures. In the book, women can:
· Learn how to select the divorce process that best suits their needs
· Build a divorce team that works exclusively for them
· Determine the size of a marital estate
· Negotiate an appropriate settlement
· Plan a brighter financial future
· Understand investing and learn how to invest with confidence
· How to move beyond a divorce.
“Haleh shares her personal journey of her own divorce and much-needed advice for women going through this difficult transition in later years,” said Pamela Sandy, CFP, and 2016 president of the Financial Planning Association. “She gives plain-spoken, common sense rules-of-the-road to get women through the process, create the right team, ask for what is entitled and help women create a new life. The book is an invaluable tool.”
Haleh Moddasser is available for speaking engagements and media interviews. She is passionate about helping women navigate the waters and avoid as many of the problems as possible that inevitably come with a Gray Divorce. For more information or to request a confidential conversation with Moddasser, visit www.StearnsFinancial.com.
Gray Divorce, Silver Linings is available for purchase on Amazon. Journalists who would like to receive a copy of the book for review are encouraged to contact JessicaShores@ImpactCommunications.org.
Haleh Moddasser, CPA, is a senior vice president and partner at Stearns Financial Group, a fee-only investment management firm with offices in Chapel Hill and Greensboro, North Carolina. Moddasser has extensive experience in the area of women and finance, helping women navigate divorce with the goal of achieving financial security. She has published widely on the topic of women and financial independence and has been interviewed by national media such as Investor’s Business Daily, Financial Times and UNC-TV, a public television network. Her book, Gray Divorce, Silver Linings: A Woman’s Guide to Divorce After 50, is the first in a series of field guides published by Stearns Financial. The newest field guide, 4th Quarter Fumbles: How Successful People Avoid Critical Mistakes Later In Life by Dennis Stearns, is now available. Visit www.StearnsFinancial.com to learn more.
Jessica Taylor Shores
Impact Communications
Source: Stearns Financial Group